Thursday, July 10, 2014

Lets talk about Weight Gainers

Joseph Valo III
Photo from
When a lot of people start to bulk up and want to increase their muscle mass, they sometimes forget to use a weight gainer due to either lack of knowledge, inexperience, or they think a protein powder is enough. Creatine will help you to bulk up and add size to your muscles, but what about feeding your muscles to make them grow. A lot of people also think or have this mind frame that while working out and lifting weights you are making your muscles grow. But all we are really doing is pumping up the muscles by the exercises that help break down the muscles. The real magic of muscle building happens while we sleep. and the post work out supplements and the other supplements that we take throughout the day help feed our muscles and aid them in the recovery. 

You might be asking yourself, why did I go off on this tangent? Well, here's the method to my madness... LOL  In order to bulk up and add size to your muscles you need the right amount of exercise, rest and sleep, protein, calories, bcaa's, creatine and so on. But the main thing to remember is to get enough sleep at night, if you can eat 6 times a day( 3 moderate sized meals with 3 snacks in between the meals like fruit nuts or even a protein shake.) if not, you can take a meal replacement supplement instead for one of the meals.

Photo from
Weight gainers give you the extra added protein, calories, and bcaa's that your muscles need to grow. I wouldn't recommend taking a weight gainer when you are trying to loose weight. But you should take a protein as well so you don't loose any muscle. As with anything you must do your research to see what all is out there and also to see if there is anything in the product that you may be allergic to. Reading the whole entire label is a must, there you will find out how to take the supplement, what all is in the product and if there are any special warnings. In conclusion, I hope this has helped inform you a little bit about weight gainers.

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