Friday, March 4, 2016

Are We Alone In The Universe?

Photo Courtesy of my amazing fiancé Sarah Afshar
Have you ever looked up at the stars and ask yourself, are we alone in the universe? I know that we all have at a few points in our lifetime. I know that I have. I know that the crash in Roswell, New Mexico has started the stir with the UFO's in modern time. But also through out the ages, famous explorers like Christopher Columbus on his maiden voyage to discover America has written in the ships log book about seeing bright flashing lights that would move about.

More instances as well like:

Photo Courtesy of
In 329 B.C.  Alexander The Great seen 2 silver shield like objects while crossing the Jaxartes River and the whole army panicked and turned back and waited until the next day.

In 1254 A.D. Monks of St. Albans seen a large ship of different colors.

On April 14 1561 a mass UFO siting over Nuremberg, Germany in which it was reported that there was a battle and one had crashed out side the city.

According to such and such events occurred. For further information you can visit their website.

Photo Courtesy of
And they continue all the way up to the present day. So there are definitely sightings as well. Which leaves the question, Is there any physical evidence like debris from crashes, video and pictures as well. Well, there is and its more than likely all under the government's lock and key!

But the question just doesnt go and pertain to UFO sightings, crashes and interaction with abductions as well. You cannot rule out those things too because if its not from our planet, it has to come from some where. Think about it. We are starting to go further in to the universe discovering far and distant planets, getting ready to have people colonizing on Mars, creating new space crafts with different engines and doing studies on the effects of being in outer space for extended periods of time to explore where we have never been before as well.

So, my answer to the question, " Are we alone in the universe?" Definitely not. If you look at it this way, if you look back about 110 years ago at the technology back then and look at the technology today, there has been an extreme jump in the technology as well. Smart phones that fit in the palm of your hand, going to outer space to the space station and to the moon and that is just the tip of the iceberg.  But there are things found and discovered each and every day that proves that we were and still are being visited by aliens.

Photo Courtesy of
Look at Pumapunku in Bolivia South America and how the stone was cut and how massive the stones are as well. and then there is Tiwanaku just a few miles away with an area with stone heads with features of every type of human from around the world.
Photo Courtesy of

In closing, those are just some examples of the evidence that is out there to say that we are not alone in the universe and that the earth has been visited by extraterrestrials in the past and in the present. What does the future hold? I don't know but I can tell you this, that one day they will be coming back the question will be answered.

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